US Navy War Diaries
The links below are the actual military diaries for specific the units.


The earliest shipments of advance base material, such as those for Borabora and Efate, were special tailor-made layouts, based on miscellaneous information concerning the comparatively little known islands where the bases were to be located. It soon became apparent, however, that such detailed planning for specific locations was impractical, because it was not possible to draft the complete plans in sufficient time to permit procurement and shipment. The similarity of these early installations was also apparent, and the development of typical plans, suitable for installation on any island, was the natural solution of the problem. Two types of bases were planned. The LION was approximately equivalent in size to Pearl Harbor prior to the war, and the CUB was about one-fourth the size of the LION. A major air base was designated OAK, and a smaller air base was known as ACORN. With the establishment of these typical bases, accumulation of stocks at the advance base depots was simplified; requirements could be determined in terms of the number and kind of unit needed.

CASU44 (f) War Diary
This is 236 pages of CASU44 (f) history in an offical US Navy War Diary.


ACORN35 War Diary
This is 60 pages of ACORN35 history in an offical US Navy War Diary.


ACORN39 War Diary
This is 61 pages of ACORN39 history in an offical US Navy War Diary.